Taylor made experiences just for you.

Be a VIP!

Upgrade your ticket to include a VIP experience


Take your visit to the next level by upgrading your ticket to include a VIP experience at select shows at the Taylor Centre. The VIP experience is $49 and includes:

One (1) complimentary drink per person valued at $10 (premium wines not included), redeemable at the reception or main bar.

Access to an exclusive reception in the Hal and Marnie Wyatt Atelier 60 minutes before the show and during intermission. The reception offers our finest complimentary culinary offerings by Mount Royal Catering Services, live entertainment and bar access with reduced lineups.

Complimentary parking. We recommend the heated underground parkade in the Roderick Mah Centre for Continuous Learning (RMCCL), located in the EC building.

The VIP experience is available at select shows and can be purchased as an add-on before you checkout online.

Subscribe to our enewlsetter to find out which events are offering the VIP experience add-on and get early bird upgrade discounts.

Get an inside look at previous performances with a VIP reception:



Be sure to visit the check-in table upon arrival to register your licence plate and get your complimentary drink ticket!